Complaint Handling


Oldmac Toyota Oldmac T Pty Ltd A.B.N. 58 126 291 165 trading as Oldmac Toyota aims to provide our valued Customers with the best possible services. Our desire is for our valued Customers to have confidence in the fact that we have a process in place that will respectfully handle and resolve any complaints in a timely manner.


• The Departmental Manager will be made aware of any complaint relating to matters which have affected that Customer.

• Depending on the nature of the complaint, Oldmac Toyota will contact Toyota helpdesk for guidance to resolve the issue.

• The Dealer Principal will be contacted and given a record of events to ensure the Customer is contacted within 24 hours of Oldmac Toyota receiving the complaint.

• Oldmac Toyota will endeavour to rectify the complaint within a 14 day period, this time line will be subject to whether TMCA are required to inspect the vehicle or product prior to a remedy being implemented.

• If after the matter has been closed by Oldmac Toyota and you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Dealership complaint handling process, you do have a Qld Government department or the Qld Motor Trade association that may assist with your requirement.

The details for QCAT are below:

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) is an independent, accessible tribunal that efficiently resolves disputes on a range of matters.


Phone: 1300 753 228 As we are also a member of the Motor Trades Association, you may also contact them for guidance with your complaint.

MTA Queensland Website:

If you would like to formally reach out to the Dealer Principal regarding your complaint, you can contact the Dealer Principal below.

Craig Fitzgerald

Dealer Principal

Phone: (07) 3440 7777


Address: Craig Fitzgerald, Dealer Principal, Oldmac Toyota PO Box 13 Springwood QLD 4127

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